
ZEMS Institute

India’s best training institute for children, parents, teachers and for those who want to take a U-turn in their lives, because ZEMS Institute have changed many students and people’s lives. We shape your dreams. Join us for your brighter future.


About ZEMS Institute​

ZEMS Institute is a renowned training institute that provides training on various topics. We provide effective training both for the adult and the children’s mind and brain development. We also run other programs like Train the Training Program, Summer Camp, YouTube Creator Class, Digital Marketing Class. Also engaged in activities like IQ test, Handwriting Improvement Class. We also give opportunity to people to open training center in their city. We also conduct seminars like Teachers Training Program, Parenting, Freedom from Mobile phone in schools and other organizations. In short, we shape your dream. This institute is run by India’s famous educationalist, mind, brain and motivational train Mr. Suresh Bavarva. We also create new trainers giving effective training and support them who want to make the bright career in training field starting their own training center in their cities. Read more…

Featured Courses

Our Programs

Smarty Club

Samrty Club is an online club just for smart students of class 1st to 10th and their aware parents. The main objective of the club is to make smart kids smarter and more intelligent by providing proper knowledge online from time to time. All round development of the children is the main goal.

Super Child is effective and 100% result oriented mind and brain development workshop which is known as the Third Eye Activation, Midbrain Activation, Super Sensory and Pineal Gland Activation program. It’s the best scientifically proven program for 5 to 16 years old children…

BrainyKid is the best and unique workshop especially designed by ZEMS Training Institute. Famous Indian Mind and brain trainer Suresh Bavarva has designed this effective and result oriented mind, brain & body fitness activity based workshop for the kids age group of 4 to 12 years old…

Mission Mobile Mukti is the best and effective seminars and webinars related to freedom from smartphone addiction. Nowadays, children are getting addicted to mobile phones and this is a big problem for parents. We’ve designed the resulting seminar and webinar to help…

Scientific and the most accurate IQ Test created by India’s well-known training organization ZEMS Institute. It’s for 5th to 8th years old kids. The parents can now their children better way. We provide valuable counselling and useful tips to the parents for improve kid’s IQ level.

Be the best is an amazing seminar, webinar and workshop for students of 6th to 12th standard who want to improve memory power and concentration to perform well in examination. It’s 3 in 1 scientifically designed offline as well workshop including memory power + mind power…

Our Team


Mr Suresh Bavarva

Owner of ZEMS Institute who has been working in education and training field since 1998. He is a famous and experienced educator, motivator, mind and brain trainer of India. He is also well-known YouTube creator of India who has achieved two Silver awards (Play Buttons) through Google partnership program.


Mr Hitesh Ghataliya

World famous international business coach, students as well teachers coach of India. He provides unique and the best parenting workshop to the parents. He guides our team to perform best. He also manages many hospitals, international schools and industries. His polite nature is inspirational for all.


Miss Omni Patel

Omni Patel is a trainer who has deep knowledge of child psychology. She trains the little kids through BrainyKid workshop. She has mastery to train the kids with fun. Furthermore, she is a writer too who has written many articles on parenting. Really, she is a very enthusiastic kids trainer.

What Our Parents Say


Mr Ashok Rangpariya

I am owner of Tapovan School and Vinay International School. My son Hetarth has done Super Child workshop organized by ZEMS Training Institute. Earlier I thought that such workshops would do nothing, but I was really surprised to see the positive changes that have taken place in my son after going through the workshops. Today, my son looks at everything from a positive perspective. He is performing very well in studies. Not only this, he had more interest in cricket. After doing this workshop, he is able to focus more in that also. Later, my son also attended the Bee the Best Workshop. This was also a very good workshop. I would like to thank trainer of ZEMS Mr Suresh Bavarva Sir.


Mr Shailesh Sanja

Generally, I am a teacher and my wife is also a primary school teacher. I am also a primary School coordinator. Along with my job, I have my own big business and also a stake in a construction company. In 2014, my wife and I decided to take both our girls to the Super Child Workshop at ZEMS Institute. Among the two daughters, the younger girl is today studying in class 12th and the elder girl is doing MBBS in a medical college at Ahmedabad. Today, both the girls are very smart in studies and other activities too. Not only this, today both of them have gained a lot in life from this workshop which I probably will not be able to express in words. My many thanks and heartfelt gratitude to  Suresh Bavarva Sir.