Super Child is an effective and 100% result oriented three in one scientific workshop. It’s mind power enhansment, brain development and the third eye activation workshop which is known as Midbrain Activation, Super Sensory or Pineal Gland Activation program. It’s the best scientifically proven program for 5 to 16 years old children. Our program is unique and more effective, because we have designed it with following psychology methods and science. It’s a combination of both mind power and brain development.
What Is Super Child Workshop:
The middle brain, which is known as the Mid Brain, is also called the Pineal Gland. It connects the left brain and right brain. It acts as a bridge to open the subconscious mind. If the midbrain can be stimulated, that can balance each other left brain and right brain, communicate in and out. Working together of left brain and right brain improves memory power and increases the power of unconscious mind. To maximize the potential of the brain can improve learning efficiency several times. With Midbrain activation, you get not only an extraordinary memory, but also great potential for right brain development, which improves attention, critical thinking skills, and creativity.
Activities of Workshop:
- Brain Development Activities
- Mind Power Booster Activities
- Yoga, Pranayam, Meditation
- Confidence Building Activities
- Focus Power Increase Activities
- Memory Booster Activities
Benefits of Mind & Brain Development Workshop:
- To Balance of Left Brain and Right Brain Functions
- Enhance the Memory Power
- Ability to Enhance Self-confidence and Focus
- Enhance the Creation and Imagination
- Improve Emotional Stability
- Improvement in Study
- Enhance Intuition Power
- Get rid of Mobile Phone Addiction
Age Limit for Workshop:
Age limit of the children for the workshop is 5 years to 16 years old
- Training by Mr Suresh Bavarva Sir, a popular trainer who has scaled the heights of success across India since 2012 in the field of Mind & Mind Development
- In this workshop, all the activities are done with fun and psychological manner keeping in mind the mentality of the young children, so the children participate eagerly in all the activities.